
David duChemin – Easy Writer

My first encounter with David duChemin was with his book called ‘Within the Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision’, a great reading that I keep close to my workspace, to remind me that what I know is always smaller than what I need to know.


This book is a great resource for amateurs and aspiring professional photographers alike. David duChemin shares his personal experience as a photographer, from an aesthetic rather than a technical standpoint. I guess, it is easier to talk about factual techniques than trying to convey an approach to good photography, but David duChemin does it beautifully, in a writing style that is concise and understandable by everyone. This is not a recipe book, but stories and facts that will definitely get you thinking about what you’re doing behind your camera…

Happy with this first book, I decided to pick up another book by David duChemin, called ‘VisionMongers, Making a Life and a Living in Photography’. I only started reading it, but it promises to be yet another valuable book in my collection! The career of David duChemin is quite atypical, but again, no two photographers take the same path to get to their final destination! What I like about his story is the fact that passion wins in the end!! I can certainly relate to this, except that in my case, passion hasn’t won yet… This book is about sharing someone’s trials and errors so that we don’t have to make the same mistakes ourselves! David duChemin does it selflessly and effortlessly throughout the pages of this latest book.


I should mention that these 2 books are very well laid out, and the pictures are great! My approach to choosing a photography book: I look at the pictures! If the pictures aren’t good enough to me, I won’t pick up the book! How can you trust someone’s advice on photography if you don’t like their photographs?! May be weird, but it has served me well in my quest for the ultimate photographic knowledge…

Since I am a digger, I pursued to check out David duChemin’s website. The main page is his blog, but you should also check out his portfolios. The pictures in his portfolio don’t disappoint and the amount of information in his blog will keep you reading for a while. I actually just downloaded the 6 ebooks that David duChemin collaborated on! Again, great advice, straight to the point, by Mr. no-nonsense! Beautiful!!

David duChemin seems to be a great guy who found his true passion… Aren’t we all jealous!?!

  • Vision Mongers by David duChemin

  • Within The Frame by David duChemin

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