
Category : Thoughts

Smashing Photographic Resources

If you are reading this blog, I am very pleased and hope you enjoy it! However, you should really read the SmashingMagazine blog, which is excellent! And the latest article proves it, once again. Some very interesting photography-related links were compiled for you, whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, whether you are looking for technical tips or just inspiration… Check it out at: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/08/30/50-free-resouces-that-will-improve-your-photography-skills/

Nitty Gritty Effect Masters

A very particular photographic style was born a couple of years ago, that created a huge trend in the industry: the ‘gritty’ effect, also know as the ‘dragan’ effect, which consists in over-sharpening, over-contrasting and under-saturating the original photographs. The result is an extremely striking picture, slightly blurring the boundary between photography and illustration. This is a very neat effect, maybe a tad over-used by now, but this style is still very popular. One of, if not The, pioneer of this […]

Lightning Photography

We recently had a major thunderstorm here in the Vancouver (Canada) area. It isn’t that common to witness this phenomenon around here, at least with the intensity of the latest one! I couldn’t free myself from my barbequing duties at the time, but I swore I wouldn’t miss the next one, whenever it would be… Many people think that lightning photography is difficult: “How do you manage to pull the trigger fast enough to catch the lightning??!”. Well, that’s the […]

Miracles of Post Processing

Sometimes you look at your pictures after a session, and you quickly discard them, thinking they’re useless… It is quite amazing to see how much information is in a file that doesn’t look that great at first! With a little Lightroom slider pushing, you can get from there to here: The resulting picture may not make a great print, but you can certainly show it online! Keep on pushing those sliders!!