
Tag : Portrait

John Blais Photography

Some people have it and some don’t! Timing… Timing is everything in Photography like it is in dancing, and John Blais can definitely dance! John Blais’ photographs are beautifully composed and artfully lit, but what makes them stand out is the moments he chose to pull the trigger… His pictures are more than pretty images, they are slices of life! John Blais gives us a fresh look on portraiture, lifestyle and food! I like it!!

Kelly Castro

I love photography and I’m always on the lookout for amazing photographers. The amazing photographer of the day is Kelly Castro. His stunning black & white portraits, in the ‘exteriors’ series, blew me away! The idea of all these portraits taken using the same lighting and processed in the same way is fantastic. The quality of the result is superb, giving you a super-contrasty and sharp portrait, that takes you by the guts!! Check out this series at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kelco/sets/72157603876312247/ and check […]