
Tag : portfolio


I’d like to share a very cool website with you: 500px. This website is “another” photo-sharing website, but who’s complaining?! We need more photos in our lives!! Once you sign in (for free), you can start uploading your best pictures. There is no selection process, which means that whatever you upload is ending up on the website, in the ‘Fresh’ section. The pictures are saved in your own portfolio as well, which you can customize to your liking. From there, […]

John Blais Photography

Some people have it and some don’t! Timing… Timing is everything in Photography like it is in dancing, and John Blais can definitely dance! John Blais’ photographs are beautifully composed and artfully lit, but what makes them stand out is the moments he chose to pull the trigger… His pictures are more than pretty images, they are slices of life! John Blais gives us a fresh look on portraiture, lifestyle and food! I like it!!

Select Portfolio Magazine

In case you have never seen this magazine on the stands, I suggest you look again and check if you local newsagent is carrying it. The concept of this magazine is to showcases the very best in commercial photography internationally and is a valuable reference tool for photographic and film production destinations worldwide. Select is sent (for free) to creative decision makers at advertising agencies, graphic design companies, department and retail stores, fashion houses, in-house advertising departments, magazine and book […]